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Lee Jeoung Hak Award

During the inaugural meeting of KAASM in 2016, Dr. Jeoung Hak Lee (Kyunghee University) committed to become the first life-time donor for KAASM to support and recognize outstanding Korean graduate students. We are truly grateful for his generosity and helping us carry out our mission to plant seeds for the next generation. The Lee Jeoung Hak Award is given to two (2) outstanding graduate students every year who demonstrate superior scholarship, professional promise, and financial need. Each awardee will receive $500 to support their travel to present their work at the NASSM’s annual conference. 

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When was the last time you attended the NASSM conference before this year's conference? Could you please share any impressions you received from attending this year's NAASM conference?

My last NASSM conference was 2009 when the University of South Carolina hosted. Fast forward to 2016, I was really impressed by Korean scholars’ passion for research and active research throughout the 2016 NASSM conference in Orlando. Moreover, I was thrilled to see that KAASM was finally launched to help fellow Korean scholars and graduate students, and appreciate for those involved in the process.


You have become the first life-time donor of the organization. What does this mean to you and what was the biggest driving factor to make this extraordinary commitment?

I believe small actions can bring a meaningful and impactful change. I decided to make this endowment as part of small action but hoping to help make meaningful changes down the road. I actually thank the organization for granting me an opportunity to pay it forward to young generations of Korean scholars.


Members of this organization would be really grateful for your contribution and support. Obviously, the benefit from the "Lee Jeoung Hak Award" would be greater. What messages do you have for graduate students as they pursue their academic career?

I hope students can use this award to not only gain useful scholarly information but also reach their full potential in their academic and professional careers.


KAASM launched this year. Given your extensive experiences in leading various organizations in the past, what advice do you have for the leadership to keep in mind?

I think the most important thing the leadership should remember is that you are serving for the members of this organization. You lead by serving them. I wish KAASM can create a website or a tool to share job postings in both Korea and overseas. I think the ultimate goal of many members would be to land a job. Additionally, identifying what is most valuable to the members and keeping up with providing programs, seminars, and/or workshops that meets the members’ needs would facilitate members’ participation and satisfaction.



(Interview from KAASM Newsletter 2016, Vol.1, Issue 1)

Dr. Jeoung Hak Lee's Bio

Dr. Lee earned his Ph.D. in Sport Marketing from the University of Minnesota. He is currently a Professor and Chair of the Graduate Program of the College of Physical Education, Kyung Hee University. He also serves as the Chief of Sports Industry Foundation Support Center, and Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Human Movement Science (IJHMS). Previously, he served as Secretary General for the Korean Society for Sport Management and Vice President for the Korean Society for Sport Management. His research interests include sports consumer behavior, sport marketing strategy, and mega sport event.  

Past Winners​


2023 Seongjin Park, Lydia Yun

2023 Hyosoon Yim, Yeeun Jeong

2022 Inje Cho, Sungjai Hong

2021 Sangchul Park, Misun Won

2020 Han Soo Kim, Wonju Lee

2019 Seungmin Kang, Changwook Kim

2018 Dae Hwan Kim, Ho Jun Sung

2017 Ari Kim, Na Ri Shin




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