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Hello Halifax!

More than 35 delegates joined the KAASM's third conference in Halifax. This year, we had Dr. Se-Hyuk Park (former President of Korean Society for Sport Management) as a keynote speaker. Five graduate students received scholarships. 

The KAASM Conference

Marriott Harbourfront Halifax, Nova Scotia
4:30-6:00PM, Friday June 8, 2018
The Keynote Speaker 



Professor and Dean of Student Affairs, Department of Sport Sciences at Seoul National University of Technology (Seoultech). 

Dr. Park holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education from Yonsei University and received his Master’s degree in Teaching in Physical Education from Portland State University. He also received his Master of Science in Park & Recreation Management and his Doctor of Education in Physical Education from West Virginia University. 

During the past 20 years he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in sport marketing, sport management, recreation, swimming, and tennis at Seoultech and other universities in Korea. His academic interests focus on sport consumers’ loyalty, recreation specialization, flow, organizational commitment, identification, involvement, immigrants’ leisure, posttraumatic growth, and youth-at-risk. He is most interested in applying these subjects matter to public and non-profit sector delivery systems. 

Dr. Park has published in all of the major journals in recreation, sport marketing, and sport management such as the Journal of Sport Management, Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sport Management, and Journal of Leisure Research. He has served as a reviewer of several journals such as Leisure Studies and 

International Journal of Sport Management. He served as editors-in-chief for and International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences. He also served as a president of Korean Society for Sport Management.



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